Asset Building Champions (ABC) are parent/caring adult engagement programs designed to foster Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in elementary school students. ABC offers two distinct programs: one for transitional kindergarteners/kindergarteners* (TK/K) and another for older elementary students.



Each month, trained volunteers utilize the Developmental Assets framework to promote positive youth development. They engage students by reading specially selected children’s book and lead related activities and discussions in classrooms. The goals of the ABC program include:

  • Establishing Common Language: Promote a shared vocabulary around respect and behavior expectations among student, parents, caregivers, teachers and staff.
  • Bullying Prevention and Intervention: Equip students with the skills to identify various forms of bullying (physical, verbal, relational and digital) and empower them to become UPstanders.
  • Developing SEL skills: Focus on essential SEL competencies such as self-management, self-awareness, responsible decision-marking, social awareness, and relationship skills.
  • Increasing Adult Support: Ensure every student has access to caring adults on campus, providing a reliable source of support for any problems they may encounter.
  • Enhancing School Climate: Foster a positive environment where every student feels valued and supported to achieve their full potential.



*The ABC Kindergarten program is moving to a 2-year TK/K curriculum starting in 2024-25.


By participating in the ABC program, school communities work collaboratively to build a nuturing and respectful environment that supports the social and emotional growth of all students.