At YMCA Project Cornerstone, we believe in the power of caring adult volunteers to transform the lives of young people and strengthen communities. Our volunteers bring invaluable experience, wisdom, and kindness, creating positive changes that resonate far and wide.

By joining the family of Project Cornerstone volunteers, you become another caring adult in the lives of youth, fostering positive school environments and helping young people develop the skills and strengths to thrive.



Children and teens need caring adults in their lives. Research shows that the more positive relationships young people have with adults, both inside and outside their families, the more likely they are to thrive.

Project Cornerstone volunteers are trained to engage in school communities in ways that help youth feel valued, respected, and known:

  • Build relationships: Connect with staff, students, and families to support the school community. 
  • Make a difference: Your time and effort can directly impact and support a young person's well-being.
  • Create safe spaces: Partner with school staff to create environments where youth can feel safe, belong, learn, connect, and explore their interests.


There are many ways in which you can volunteer and get involved. 

  • Liaison: Act as the Project Cornerstone liaison at your school.
  • Preschool-Elementary School: Participate as a reader for the ABC, Los Dichos, or Preschool programs.
  • Activity Leader: Help run clubs or activities at your school.
  • Middle School: Support our Middle School SEL Curriculum as a parent volunteer.
  • Yard Duty: Supervise and engage with students as a Yard Duty supervisor.

As you can see, there are so many ways you can be a positive role model for youth!



Learn more about our programs, volunteer opportunities for each, training requirements, and more by clicking "VOLUNTEERS - START HERE" below. Additionally, check with your school and/or district regarding its volunteer guidelines.