Have you been thinking about adding personal training to your workout routine? Maybe you’re  ready to switch up your current workout. Not seeing the results you would like? Don’t know where to begin in the gym? A trainer can help guide you through new exercises and help you improve your form. There are lots of reasons to try personal training. At the Y, we focus on supporting you so that you can reach your health and wellness goals.

Five reasons to try personal training:

I’m New Here 

Joining a gym can be intimidating. Which machines do what, and how do you use them–correctly–to get the results you’re looking for? Are you using the right equipment to reach your goal? A trainer can help guide you through a gym so that you’re more comfortable using the equipment and know how to use it safely.


Sometimes, we all need a little nudge to make it to the gym. Meeting with a trainer helps keep you going. A new study shows that verbal encouragement can actually help you get through a tough exercise regimen. Work with your trainer to set both short and long term goals with reasonable timelines. Hitting those benchmarks will help keep you motivated too.

Avoid Injury 

A trainer can make sure you use correct form during your workout, which will help prevent injury.

See Results 

We all get frustrated when we don’t feel like we’re seeing results. If you’ve hit a plateau in your weight loss or fitness journey and aren’t sure how to keep things going to reach your goal, a trainer can help. Trainers can teach you exercises that zero in on the spots you want to work on.

Change Things Up 

A workout routine doesn’t have to mean that you do the same things all the time. Maybe you want to try something new, but need some guidance. A trainer can help you devise a new workout, keeping your personal needs and goals in mind.