Winner: Lisa Sullivan

Adult Role Model: Awarded to an individual over 24 years of age who models and inspires positive responsible behavior for young people.

Lisa Sullivan is passionate about connecting with kids of all ages. In her role as a Youth Leader at Loma Prieta Elementary School and C.T. English Middle School, she strives to establish and maintain authentic and meaningful relationships with as many students as possible.

Ms. Sullivan is the face of the morning welcome at the middle school, she runs Student Council, provides fun and games during recess, and offers academic assistance to those who are struggling. She created a Trusted Adult Database to assist the staff in knowing who the children trust most when they need help.

Whilst at the middle school site, Ms. Sullivan is based in the ‘Zen Den’ - a room for students to visit if they are having a bad day, no matter what the reason. She feels blessed to be able to do the job she does, and truly believes that all adults can make a difference to all children just by showing them they care. 

See presentation of the Asset Champions award plaque here

See Ms. Sullivan's video story below

“Lisa innately knows how to connect with young people such that they feel respected, cared for and known. I have rarely encountered someone who keenly understands the value of youth asset-building to the level that she demonstrates in her daily work, while also selflessly donating her personal time to this important cause.” – Lisa Fraser, Superintendent, Loma Prieta Joint Union School District.