Working mom Grace Ortiz was unsure how to keep her daughter Isabel on track in school when the pandemic began. Fortunately, the family was offered the chance to participate in Y Learning Labs for Super Scholars, which helped Isabel to stay focused and succeed in school after the pandemic started in March 2020. At first, Isabel was attempting to keep up with her schoolwork from home, with her older sister. Without fellow peers, and mentoring adults to help, she struggled to pay attention, and was constantly distracted by her cellphone, preferred non-academic activities available at home, and stopped listening in classes frequently for snack breaks.  


Now that Isabel attends the Y Learning Labs each day, she is able to focus in class. Her grades are improving so much that her teacher is moving her up to a higher level in class. Isabel has become a model student thanks to the supportive and helpful environment provided by Y staff. She not only pays attention, but she engages with her teacher and peers through her virtual classes, and is able to enjoy healthy breaks on a set schedule, including playtime with other kids her age, healthy snacks, and academic activities. Grace is grateful to see that Isabel is back on track at school. She is not only academically succeeding, but socially and emotionally happier thanks to the Y Learning Labs.